Dear visitor, 

I'm very happy to welcome you to my website

 Enjoy a stroll through the several pages, find photographies and pictures that you like ... and maybe there will be some "sujets" you admire and absolutely want to present at your home or in your business premises.


  Within Switzerland, I'll provide you a full service to find the right combination of sights & scenes, including consultation, production and presentation of the pictures.


Sorry, that you won't find all contents in English - but please contact me and I will call you back as soon as possible.


Autumn & Winter

A photography of my recent serie,

"Art out of art", an interpretation of a work made by Oliafur Eliasson

Glossy print 40x60cm on an lightbuilt hardboard 10mm, Fr. 290.-


other sizes and/or 

 With the choice of a yearly subscription you choose the change of sights & scenes twice or four times per year.